Sword of Justice

Sword of Justice

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Executioner's Sword

Executioner's Sword or Sword of Justice,  executioner's axe and guillotine. History, construction and use of execution weapons.

Executioner's Sword
Executioner's Sword or Sword of Justice was a common sword (one handed or two handed) in early medieval times.

Executioner's Sword
Executioner's Sword was improved during late medieval times and renaissance into a very effective and deadly tool.
16th century sword of justice was two handed sword with heavy and wide blade without sword tip.

Sword of justice had usually a special inscriptions on its blade. Executioners used a law phrases, quotes, and pictures of torture and execution.
Executioner swords were preferred on continent in Medieval Europe. Axe was preferred weapon of executioners in England.

Executioner's Sword Medieval Netherlands

Execution by sword
Person sentenced to execution by sword was made to kneel down although they could, if short, be executed standing up, or even sitting in a chair.

Executioner's Axe
Two handed axe or a double axe was used for beheading in combination with high or low block.
High block (18-25 inchces) was used for example in England and in some German lands. Convict was beheaded while kneeling.

Executioner's Axe
Some countries (Sweden) used a low block where the person lies full length and puts there neck over the small wooden block which is just a few inches high. This was the most difficult method of beheading and it often went wrong.

Executioner's Axe and Low block

Guillotine was a semi automatic tool for beheading.
Guillotine was widely used during French Revolution. Some sources say the 40 000 Frenchmen were executed by this terrible weapon during a few years. Guillotine served in France till 1981. Guillotine was also widely used in German prisons during WW2.


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